A Collection of Artwork & Caricatures by Jimmy Smith

A  Collection  of  Artwork  &  Caricatures
By  Jimmy  Smith

We celebrate “cars as art” in many ways.  As you explore our “Undiscovered Classics Portfolio,” you see examples of this in how we design our Business Cards, Art Cards and Music Videos about Cars.  It also tumbles forward though the design of entirely new cars (Tahitian Dragon, for example). 

You’ll see our use of art with Dan Palatnik leading the way in creating renderings that guide our restorations, and that allow us to celebrate each of the cars we research and write about as art.  This approach also is carried forward with the talent of our good friend Jimmy Smith.

Jimmy helps us capture the “fun” in celebrating cars.  We juxtapose professional photos and renderings next to caricatures and concepts in stories, magazine articles and exhibitions – all of which helps us and others enjoy and appreciate these cars and their history more fully.

For each of Jimmy’s finished pieces below, we’ve included a photo of the actual car for comparison.  We’ve also included some of the concepts or “work in progress” sketches as we looked at different ways each of the finished pieces might evolve. 

Hope you enjoy the artwork below and we’re honored and excited to have Jimmy Smith as part of our team.

Thanks Jimmy!

1959 Cheetah “Moon” Transporter


1950  Leo  Lyons  Custom  Mercury

1947 and 1948 Kurtis Omohundro Comet

1946  Bill  Burke  Belly  Tank

Poster – Raiders  of  the  Lost  Cars

This is one of our favorite pieces taken to play off the image of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” – a theme we often use for Undiscovered Classics and Forgotten Fiberglass

Harold Pace and I originally had fun taking the Indiana Jones poster below and considering changes.  Instead of the sword and bullwhip being carried by “Indiana”, we changed the sword to “pulling a floor jack by the handle” and the bullwhip to “jumper cables.” 

I guess we have too much time on our hands.

The finished product appears below and came out at the end of 2016 – a fitting tribute to the collaboration of two friends – Geoff Hacker and Rick D’Louhy. 

Thanks for an excellent job here Jimmy 🙂

Here at Undiscovered Classics:
“We find, research, restore, show and sell America’s
lost automotive treasures…”

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