1948 Kurtis-Omohundro Comet

17 The Birth of Postwar American Sports Cars Popular Mechanics: December, 1949 Key Parts of the Article • Before and after World War II, America got its information on cars primary from magazines such as Popular Mechanics, Mechanix Illustrated, Popular Science and more. This 8 page article is the most comprehen- sive article created in the early postwar years and focuses on the excitement and creation of an entirely new type of American car—the sports car • Postwar automobile magazines were in their infancy—and very few in pages. Speed Age started in May, 1947 and Road & Track followed the next month (but only produced 5 issues thru December, 1949). Motor Trend was the last to follow in September, 1949. • Just 6 cars were shown in the article—one with Paul Omohundro at the wheel of his 1948 sports car. • This article was also published in the French edition of Popular Mechanics in February, 1950 making it one of the first American Sports cars to be seen in print across the continent.