1948 Kurtis-Omohundro Comet

36 Hans Fox Jr., —Son of Second Owner : My father bought that car in the late 50s in the Detroit area and it sat in a garage at his mother's house in Dearborn, Michigan for many years. I remember as a kid always looking at the car in the garage and finding it hard to forget. My dad always had dreams of restoring it himself but never had the time or money to do it. The car was later moved to the house I grew up in (and still live and own today) in Westland, Michigan. This was after my grandmother passed away and my mother and father decided to rent the house in Dearborn and then later sell. So the car sat outside (covered in a tarp) in Westland for many years and finally we talked dad into selling it, convincing him that he would never do anything with it and it took up a to much space in the yard. Jon Hall from Saginaw, Michigan acquired the car in 2002. Jon is a good friend of my dad and was planning on restoring it in the future. Jon shared with us your story and the search for this car and that led to your acquisition. From time to time, I've been thinking about the car and wondering what has happened to it. In fact, Jon Hall called me today on a totally unrelated matter (I work with his Glastender company as a customer) and after we got off the phone, I started to think about the car. My dad used to refer to it as the 1948 Gary Cooper Special. He probably got that name when he bought it and perhaps it's just folklore that was made up and passed along. Photos Taken in the Late 1950s; Dearborn, Michigan— Hans Fox Jr. Family Collection