The Ultra Modern Merc: Leo Lyons Custom Mercury

87 With Tribute: What a gentleman—and friend—Leo Lyons was. We knew him for barely two years before we lost him in November, 2014, but those two years were full of great fun and a growing admiration for all of his life accomplishments. Talks on the phone, exchange of snail mail, and a full day visit with him in June, 2013 all made each contact with him unique —a window into the past of a very special man. Leo embodied the American “can-do” spirit. Just 20 when he started, he brought his project to fruition with some of the most famous custom car folks in southern California at his side. By age 30—ten years after he started—Leo’s Ultra Modern Merc was ship-shape and show ready. It’s our hope that those of you who get to know Leo, his car, his projects and his life will appreciate him in the same ways we did—and more. Geoff Hacker / Rick D’Louhy August, 2015 Leo Lyons 1930—2014