The Salerno Special

29 THE GASPARILLA CONCOURS D’ ELEGANCE Late in 2022 we had a chance to show the Devin at the Gasparilla Concours d’Elegance in Tampa, Florida and we excitedly embraced the opportunity. For us, it was a chance not to just show Sal’s car, but to invite Roger and Barb Philipsek to join us and see the crowd’s reaction to the car that they had safeguarded for nearly 25 years. Roger and Barb enthusiastically accepted the invite, and we had a great time talking about the car and its history. Most importantly, Roger and Barb had a chance to see how people appreciated Salvatore Salerno’s sports car and the care he took to bring it to fruition. For most of the day, Roger took lead in meeting with people and discussing the history of Salvatore Salerno and his car. Roger’s efforts were rewarded. Salvatore’s car won the Gasparilla Concours d’Elegance “Award of Distinction.” We couldn’t have been more proud of sharing this moment with them and we asked them to take the trophy home with them as a memory of the car and special day. From Left to Right: Barb and Roger Philipsek, Mike Puma, Craig Johnson and Paul Sable— all guests of ours at the Devin’s first showing at the Gasparilla Concours d’Elegance in Tampa, Florida on December 3rd, 2022