Johnny Dark Movie Book

65 So it appears that the World Premier of "Johnny Dark" oc- curred in Toledo, Ohio on June 16 th , 1954. Three of the four pictures I ’ ve found show a Toledo location, and the fourth pic- ture is identified as having been taken in nearby Detroit, Mich- igan - and the premier date was identified as two days later - June 18th, 1954. And now thinking about this …. this makes perfect sense. And I have good friend and automotive histori- an Glenn Brummer to thank for connecting all the dots. Glenn Brummer Solves The Mystery: Glenn has been studying fiberglass specials and obscure American cars for the past several dec- ades. Time and time again he has come to my rescue and completed a needed and necessary bit of infor- mation that helped me complete an entire story. I ’ ll be sharing an article he wrote about the history of Woodill Wildfire sports cars soon, and you ’ ll see why I have such respect for his knowledge and expertise. Glenn put “ two and two ” together. Toledo was special to the movie “ Johnny Dark ” because the initial scenes of automobile production were filmed at the Willys plant located there. In fact, Glenn produced two “ behind the scenes ” pictures of the film shoot at the Willys plant – one of them even shows Tony Cur- tis. Both are provided in the photo gallery below for your review (thanks Glenn!) So …. thanks to Glenn Brummer ’ s efforts, we now know that the movie “ Johnny Dark ” had its “ World Prem- ier ” on June 16 th 1954 in Toledo, Ohio. This was 10 days before the movie debuted in New York City and two full weeks before it premiered in Los Angeles California. I wonder how many “ World Premiers ” have occurred in Toledo since then? Perhaps a trip to the historical society in Toledo might produce some more information. Anyone want to take a road trip to Toledo? Might be fun : - ) I live for the obscure stuff gang – and with friends like Glenn Brummer – it seems we ’ ll be scavenging and sharing this type of information on our Forgotten Fiberglass website for some time to come.