Everything About The Styling of this Car Has Been Exaggerated. Pretty Cool!
Hi Gang…
In the 1950s most of the designs we study were unique – original designs formed in fiberglass and offered for sale in body or completed car form in low numbers. In the 1960s, as Harold Pace taught me, all of this changed and many of the cars offered were styled similar to other famous and stylish cars of the era. I appreciate cars from both eras for the different histories each of these periods offer, and today’s mystery car appears to be another “variation” on a theme from the 1960s or perhaps the 1970s. And I love the exaggerated look of this body.
Mike Simons is a builder and restorer from Nevada, and he recently found this body in Reno, Nevada. What an interesting “find” this is! At first I saw strong Ford GT 40 heritage – particularly with the doors. Then I noticed that this exaggerated styling also reminded me of some of the designs that French designer Luigi Colani did. Click here to learn more about some of the cars styled by Colani.
Mike’s “find” also triggered a memory for me about the cars in the 1975 movie “Death Race 2000” starring Sylvester Stallone and David Carradine. For some strange reason, I still enjoy this movie today – and the remake they did in 2008 staring Jason Statham. Memories of a mis-spent youth……Oh well. Check out the cars in the one-minute movie trailer below from Death Race 2000:
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of sharing this car with each of you and asking for your help. I did pass photos along to others, but at first pass we were not able to identify the maker / designer / producer of this car/body. Perhaps you can, so check out the photos and let us know your thoughts below.
I kinda like that last shot with the big Toyota Land Cruiser (Mike shared this with me) tires at the rear. That sure would have scared lots of folks in the cool movie above
Great thanks to Mike Simons for sending in the photos. We’ll watch the comments below and see what our group finds out. Always fun here at Undiscovered Classics.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
Looks like a Aztec Avenger GT 15 based on a custom frame using a 6 Corvair engine preferable a Corsa or Spider, transaxel and front suspension.
The GT 12 was the VW version on a bug floor pan.
I always dreamed of building one, but family was more important.
Hey Geoff, you missed a Death Race movie!
Death Race 2050 came out in 2017 and is much closer to the original movie than the first remake.
Tyler – thanks for letting me know. I had no idea and this will be on my list. I’m sure it’s great fun. Much appreciated
Ah, I forgot Burt Rutan’s Variviggen was in this too, flown by his brother war hero and record setting brother Dick Rutan. Hand crafted custom designed cars and airplanes in this movie
About 6 years ago I learned Colani did two kit cars. They were the only cars he did for commercial manufacturing and distribution. They used VW & Porsche engines and other components. The second one was long enough to take a Corvair engine. In the books I had our library get for me about Colani, the car pictured in this post was not mentioned or pictured. I will send Geoff a photocopy of the pictures from one of the books.
David Carradine’s finest performance no doubt!
The car body does have an aggressive look to it. Would look great with the gull wing doors open.