Hi Gang…
From time to time, I hear (and welcome) new people to our website and interest area. A great car guy contacted me recently, Rick B. from Balzac, Alberta Canada with a mystery car on his hands. Here’s what Rick shared with me in his first e-mail:
Letter From Rick B. In Canada:
Hello Geoffrey, I just discovered your website, quite by accident. I too have weird and wonderful cars that are difficult to find. As to the glass ones., I currently have something that I would like to know more about. Maybe you can help. I have a ’64-5 PYTHON. I was told there were approximately 45 built in 2 years.
I have tried to Google, etc. but nothing shows up. It has doors similar to a Ferrari Dino, rear roof treatment like a mid-style Corvette coupe, and a nose not unlike a 240Z Datsun. I have over 70 vehicles at present (much to my wife’s chagrin), but I am finally getting serious about “culling the herd “. If you are interested, please reply to me, and I will forward some pictures of the Python. Thanks for your time. Cheers, Rick B. in Balzac AB. Canada
I ran the images by good friend and Kit Car Historian Extraordinaire, Harold Pace. Harold hadn’t seen this car before, but offered a few observations:
- It looks British – but could be of Canadian origin too
- The windshield appears to be from an MG
- It looks like it was a roadster before it was a coupe – maybe there were two versions of this car (roadster and/or coupe)
- The side treatment of the vent suggests rear power, but the design is significant enough to be a tantalizing sign for anyone who might recognize the car
I’ve posted additional pictures Rick sent to me below in hopes of these helping someone identify the car for Rick. If there were 45 built, no doubt we will hear from someone soon.
Thanks for your help on this project gang and Rick….hope we find out something for you.
Glass on gang.
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
- What A Gigantic Window at the Rear – Reminescent of the 1960’s Corvette Coupe.
- I Particularly Like the Side Scoop Treatment – Great Lines and Nicely Executed on the Car.
Yes my Uncle Paul Steward created this car with buddies from UBC, he was big into dune buggys, fiberglass kit cars, and later switched to british spors cars, MGA, MGB, Jaguar, Jensen Healey. Email me for more info, he passed away 5 years ago, and left us a collectin of slides to digitize, there may be a picture of the car.
I have the first Python built in 1964-5, I’m trying to send pictures but I’m not computer friendly.
I have tried several times to send notes to Geoffrey@forgottenfibreglass came back as undelivered. Lets try here again-
The car is called a Python. Made in North Vancouver from about 1965-1969 by a man named Mr. Paul Stuart(COULD BE Stewart) along with Victor House and Fergus Dudley. The car has an MGB windshield and front hood the front end is a modified MGB front end. The back is a take off from a 1963-1967 Corvette coupe. About 45 of these cars were made. Victor House told me of the Corvette frame they modified and put a Python body on. There were maybe 2 other V8 Pythons made ,my brother knew of 2 in North Vancouver. Most were made to go on a VW chassis ,VW motor powered. Paul Stuart was a high school principal in Richmond B.C. Canada. My brother who worked with Stuart making his dune buggy also owned 2 of the Pythons. There were 2 of these Pythons driving around West Vancouver , 1 blue , a second was a Metallic red with a blue interior. This is the one which I sold the body to Rick in Alberta. Not too many people remember or knew of this kit car. My brother later bought an Avenger GT12 with a Corvair motor. Went like a bat out of hell. Could be a corvette at the time.
By the way I was a total fanatic on 1969 Transams. I owned 2 hardtops and ONE of the eight convertibles all at the same time. Long gone but not forgotten. Serial # 223679N104808 ordered for Jim Pattison’s wife and later sold to one of their salesman.
When my brother worked for Stuart they also made an off shoot of a Manx dune buggy that my brother drove. Soon after he found an Avenger GT12 with a corvair motor in it. Went like hell ,weighed nothing and could beat a Corvette. There was one other Python in West Vancouver, this one was a bright metallic red with a metallic blue interior .That was the body of the one I bought and later sold.
Yes the Manx dune buggy mold sat in his back yard for years, I had dreamed about pulling a body from it, but moved away and never got the chance, email me for more history correct spelling Paul Stewart.
The car was a off shoot of the 63-67 Corvette coupes and the front end was actually that of an MG including the windshield. Look at the hood its an MG copy. If you want to call me about this car Peter 604-983-2035
This car was built by a MR Stuart in North Vancouver. There were about 20 built and 2 had V8’s in them My brother used to work for him and I saw one of the bodies unfinished. I also bought a used body but ended up selling it off as TOO much work is required to complete these cars. Very few are around now as 2 were known to had been destroyed in Vancouver,1 a fire another totalled in car crash. Peter 604-983-2035
Hi Peter can you send me an email axecrap@yahoo.com, Paul was my uncle, and I would like to find out more about this car.
There was a very nice light blue python identical to this one in West Vancouver back in the late 60’s street driven and I do recall one more in Vancouver. As far as we knew it was on a Volkswagen pan,