Hi Gang…
This is one of the earliest references to the debut of Clearfield Plastics we’ve found yet, and was sent in by good friend and automotive historian Paul Sable (Thanks Paul!).
But what’s that you say? Clearfield Plastics is new to you? How can we continue introducing new fiberglass sports car companies of the ’50?
We’ll today – we’re not. This is a company you have heard of and have loved for many years.
Read on to learn more…
Let’s Talk History!
Clearfield Plastics was founded in the Spring of ’55 by Stewart Greenfield and Harry Heim. Stewart had been President of another fiberglass firm in the northeast called “American Enterprises,” and had moved to Clearfield as President of the new company – Clearfield Plastics – because of a more attractive labor market in Pennsylvania. More about American Enterprises in a future story.
Harry Heim was Vice-President, chief designer, builder, and innovator, and started his fiberglass career with Clearfield Plastics in Pennsylvania.
Clearfield Plastics had a good and tumultuous run for about one year before the company was dissolved and Harry Heim took his nicely designed sports car to Ed Almquist of Almquist Engineering for consideration of further production. Ed and Harry hit it off and the rest is history.
Let’s examine the ad in a bit more detail.
Clearfield Plastics Ad: Carmart, September 1955
This ad appears in the a Northeastern newspaper called “Carmart” in September ’55. And the ad is gigantic! Nine inches by six inches. How wonderful! Here’s what the ad has to say:
Do It Yourself!
Make a Beautiful Street Roadster or a “750 Special” from a Fiat 500cc with a body of lightweight fiberglass.
Comes in kit form, ready to trim and assemble.
Kit: $275 complete (small crating charge)
Immediate Shipment
Includes: body shell, floor boards, dash, transmission cover, fender wells, doors, hood, resin, fiberglass, and complete instructions for assembling, as well as assistance in chassis modifications.
Also fits American Bantam, Crosley, or any 78” wheelbase chassis. Write us about your make and model for free help.
Dealers! A few choice territories still open. Represent this fast moving line! Details on request.
Send 25 cents for complete photographs and literature.
Clearfield Plastics
Department CM9
Clearfield, Pennsylvania
So for 25 cents, you could request complete photographs and literature from Clearfield Plastics. Wouldn’t you like to see that literature from so long ago?
Well you can – and for less than 25 cents – here in a future story at Forgotten Fiberglass!
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
What a terrific little car, so many interesting cars, so little time and money !:-(
Great to see this stuff, as it is now as back then the stuff of dreams..
Where is Sherman and the Way Back Machine when you need him…
Thanks Geoff keep the articles coming.