Hi Gang…
I can’t get enough of this cute little car.
We’ve found quite a bit of documentation that time, effort, design, and process was all worked out, yet the effort didn’t yield many cars. Howard “Dutch” Darrin’s design for the Flintridge DKW was stylish, and made the front cover of Motor Life Magazine in November ’57. It seemed like a good plan.
Let’s see what Motor Trend had to say about the production of this car several months after cars were being produced.
Der Kustom Wagen
Motor Trend: October 1957
Story and Photos By William Carroll
Production of a custom-line of sports cars based n the DKW (see September, ’57 Motor Trend) has begun at Flintridge Motors Manufacturing, Corporation of California. The fiberglass 4/5 seat sports car will retail for $3195, F.O.B. Los Angeles, with a full guarantee such as you would get with your standard DKW sedan.
In addition claims Henri A. Lindsey, President of Flintridge Motors, the combination of fiberglass exterior and metal underbody results in a sturdy and rattle-free assembly of exceptionally light weight (actually 350 pounds lighter than the standard DKW).
Though Flintridge Motors is the manufacturer, actual production of the sports car takes place at the Woodill Fiber Glass Body Corporation, in Santa Ana California. When new DKW sedans are received at the Woodill factory, all interior upholstery is removed, the top is cut off, doors, fenders and instruments are taken off.
The cowl section is moved aft six inches and lowered four, while a new metal frame is installed to retain stiffness of the original assembly. Then fiberglass shells are attached to the car, creating an envelope body. Original DKW doors are altered slightly, and covered with fiberglass. The completed sports car has roll-up windows.
The new interior is color-keyed to exterior finished. Available also is a removable fiberglass hardtop weighing less than 40 pounds. Production of the sports car started July 15th 1957 and is expected to reach 200 units monthly by October 1st, 1957.
How fun it would have been if production had met 200 monthly, but sadly it did not. Estimates are less than 10 of these cars were produced so be on watch and see what you can find out there. What great fun it would be to see one of these on the road again as a tribute to Darrin, Woodill, and Flintridge Motors.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
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Woodill Fiber Glass Body Corp. in Santa Ana, CA (?) It’s close to L.A., but so is Downey, CA – did Woody move or is this an error? It’s a pretty ‘cool’ car in any event!