Hi Gang…
This is the second in a series of stories rolling out the new Fabulous Forgotten Fiberglass Flyers. Today’s story / flyer focuses on the Byers SR100. Click here to review all stories about the Fabulous Forgotten Fiberglass Flyers.
Thanks to the help of Rollie Langston, Guy Dirkin, and the rest of the Forgotten Fiberglass Brain Trust, we are now in the process of rolling out flyers for all of these cars from the 1950’s. We hope you enjoy each and every one of them.
The flyer below is designed to be printed on 8 and ½ x 11 paper and in color. I’ve used a close-up of the fiberglass from Guy Dirkin’s Lost Motor Trend Victress Special as the background, but it should be still easily read. The back of the flyer is a tightly written article by fiber friend Harold Pace (thanks Harold) and should provide a good context for anyone you hand the flyer to.
And the best news…anyone wanting to use these flyers can do so for free. Just contact me and I’ll send you the file and you can print it using any word processing program or desktop publishing software. Or better yet – you tell me the specifics about your car and we’ll tailor the flyer with the information you want – and a maximum of 2 pictures as shown at the top of the flyer below.
Have at it gang – here’s the flyer below. And if you have any changes you recommend, let me know.
Click each page below to enlarge it on your screen.
I’ll be releasing flyers over the next year – and sooner for any of you needing a flyer for a car that we have not captured this way yet. And by the way…the “overview” at the top of each flyer is perfect language for any Concours d’ Elegance needing a good description of your car.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
Great job Geoff, as usual. Having a relatively standardized format for explaining more about these rare treasures in a concise, but useful way, will educate everyone from the casual observer to the serious student. By expanding the umbrella of the Forgotten Fiberglass brand, all of these cars and those who love them, will benefit by association.
Used as handouts or displays at events, links in email or other digital communications, posting on personal or proprietary websites or forums, or just collected and added to a compendium of other provenance documents for important cars, once these cars become more widely known and appreciated, their value will most certainly increase.