Hi Gang…
Some people go the extra mile in the restoration of their vintage fiberglass car. And then there’s Jim Lattin.
Back 4 years ago, Dennis Gerdes and I set off on a Glasspar G2 hunt. We had just spent a day with Bruce Meyers of Meyers Manx fame (who Dennis worked for in the ’60s and ’70s), and Bruce had a treasure hunt in store for us. He directed us to a lost G2 some 3-4 miles off the road in Ocotillo Wells in Southern California – it had been in the sun for years – in a junkyard for World War II bombers.
Dennis and I just HAD to go!
Bruce and his wife Winnie had to correct our course several times via cell phone, and we had a grand time throughout the day. We even found the junkyard, and it was amazingly fun! Check out the pictures below.
But alas, there was no Glasspar G2.
Someone had been there before us.
And that someone was….. Jim Lattin!
Jim had found the car and brought it home. And it couldn’t be in better hands (thankfully, Dennis and I didn’t have to save another vintage fiberglass car *smile*)
When Jim got the car home, it was missing the front grille and windshield posts. Most guys would go to “Plan B” and find a substitute. Not Jim – he was going to put the missing items back into production! I just had to find him some spares to serve as a beginning point for patterns. No problemo, and… way to go Jim!
Let’s see the end result.
Newly Cast Front Grille and Windshield Posts For Glasspar G2
Recently Jim sent us photos of the end result of his efforts – and what a beautiful job he and his crew did. Jim’s car is still under restoration, but with the body nearly finished and the grille and windshield posts in place – it looks fiber-fantastic!
Let’s look at the photos.
Purchasing a Grille Or Windshield Posts For Your Glasspar G2:
Jim has a limited supply of these items available. And as soon as these items are sold, the supply will be gone. So if you need a Glasspar G2 front grille and/or windshield posts – the time is NOW to consider buying. Jim sent the following information in for pricing:
- Front grille: $800 plus $100 shipping within the USA
- Windshield Posts: Pricing is still being worked out, but the cost should be $200 to $300 for the posts. Please note – the ones shown in the pictures are actually shorter than how they are cast. Jim cut his down a few inches to make a shorter windshield on his G2. The ones being sold are the proper length of the original Glasspar G2 windshields.
All parts are cast in aluminum. If you are interested in purchasing them, e-mail me (see bottom of story for my e-mail) or give me a call. I can help with questions and then pass along Jim Lattin’s contact information.
So if you need these items for your Glasspar G2 gang – strike while the aluminum is hot. No iron in any of these newly cast aluminum parts gang. They are built just like Bill Tritt did back in the early ‘50s.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
O boy a grill and windshield post to go the new run of Glasspar G-2’s.I have always wondered what happened to all the molds of those early designs.they must be around in all those old barns ???
Hi Jeff….glad to help. Call me at 813-888-8882 and I’ll review the specific with you and any questions you have. Look forward to speaking with you
how do I contact Jim?
I need both for the #003
Thanks, Jeff
To avoid potentially getting arrested for trespassing (or worse yet, shot), you may want to make arrangements with the owners of that yard before crossing the fence:
I had to borrow a G2 grille back in the early 80s to have one made. At that time there was no demand for a production run. And Jag XK120 windscreen posts were pretty good substitutes for the real thing. But its a big plus for anyone considering a G2 today, to have these pieces readily available. The aluminum hood and door hinge castings would be the other unique items to reproduce.
Beautiful casting!! The G2 grill has to be the most unique grill ever made. In my mind it rates up there with the 38 Packard. The price is very reasonable, considering the amount of work and skill required to cast this grill.
But on a personal note, I want to comment about the “bone yard” in Ocotillo Wells. Look at picture DSC 3606. In the background is the nose section of a Lockheed P2V Neptune. From 1954 to 1962 I was aircrewman (ECM/MAD) in this type of aircraft and flew out of Los Alamitos NAS. I joined the Naval Air Reserve while still working at Victress. Lots of mostly good memories in those 8 years, except for a mid air collision with a military transport over Norwalk. !0 were aboard the P2V and 47 on the transport. The only survivor, out of 56 killed, was my replacement for this night flight. I had a head cold and was grounded. Shortly after the accident my enlistment was up and my wife said no more flying! I’ll have to take a trip to Ocotillo Wells and check it out. Could be the remains of the ill fated P2V.
Thank you Geoff, for another great story…..RR
Very nice peices, it’s very nice to see these major componets made again, until now if you were missing a grill or windshield frame you were stuck . GEE JIm, that body on your G2 looks good enough to pull a mold from, maybe we could have more G2’s running around, seems like your half way there.