Hi Gang…
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. The folks that are part of our group – the fiberglass raconteurs – are expert researchers and historians in their own right. And we are honored that we have created an atmosphere where we can all share what we find in terms of history concerning these cars with the world-at-large. The fiberglass world-at-large that is.
And today’s find….pulled from the depths of time and a lost film that “reaches across the pond” (Atlantic) to bring home a gem is….one of my all-time favorite!
Recently, I heard from my historian friends at the Costa Mesa (California) Historical Society – Mary Ellen and Art Goddard. And what they had to share was nothing short of miraculous. They had found a video showing Glasspar G2 cars being built with Bill Tritt (owner of Glasspar) and Warren Gerdes (foreman for all sports car bodies built at Glasspar) in this short but significant video.
This was filmed for distribution/showing overseas in England – probably a newsreel-like format for their movie theaters or “tele.” So without delay, let’s have a look at the video – it’s about one minute long and you’ll get a ring-side seat to the scenes at Glasspar Company – 62 years ago.
Plastic Motor Cars: 1952
[vsw id=”cwPegkT2a6Q” source=”youtube” width=”854″ height=”480″ autoplay=”no”]Summary:
I think that’s Bill Tritt swinging the ax (those of you who remember my recent story on the Paris Woodill Wildfire on this type of demonstration will not be surprised). And Bill is wearing a vest so it’s easy to identify him.
And I spotted Warren Gerdes at the driver’s door settling the body onto the chassis. Alas….if it was only so easy to put together one of these cars as the stories, films, and articles suggest from back in the day.
I absolutely love the film/scenes of employees working the bodies and moving them throughout the yard. Glasspar G2 bodies everywhere! So for all your Glasspar G2 sports car owners….look for some repair in the trunk area of your car – if you find it you may just have a movie car – the star of this newsreel – from 1952.
Oh…and did you get the last two sentences of the video and their meaning?
They said something like….”soon you may be driving a plastic car….if you can get a car!” Remember…this was 1952 – just 7 years after World War II ended so we get a glimpse of what it was like just thinking of getting a new car over in Europe – recovery after the war was still very much a reality – economically, material, emotional and more.
Again…we here at Forgotten Fiberglass are very appreciative of Mary Ellen and her husband Art in finding this video and sending it to us. Great thanks to both of you!
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Thanks to Geoff, Mary,Art and anyone else for this video.It was Great seeing my Dad in His younger years carring the G2 body by Himself ( I was only 1 year old at the time born 2/15/51 ) plus Patching and grinding the repair hole in his white longsleeve shirt.I still have the that leather jacket that he was wearing when Bill Tritt drove away in the car.Keep up all the Great ResearchRegards, Dennis Gerdes
Love this video, great to see Bill Tritt as a young man , I know now that Bill and his crew have chopped more holes in fiberglass to show it’s strength then any other people on earth. I ran out to check my G2 and sure enough ,I have one of the rare ones , it has no chop holes! HaHa!
Thanks for sharing this with us, you guys are great!
A big THANKS goes out to Mary Ellen and Art Goddard for making this video available to Geoff and Thank You Geoff for having the platform to share it with the rest of us!