Hi Gang…
Motor Trend Classic is back in print – and online too.
Yea!!! And their latest issue is a two-time winner for handcrafted cars in every way. How lucky can a car guy get?
First things first. Motor Trend Classic’s current issue is a “special issue.” This magazine had been issued quarterly but they had taken it off the shelf about a year ago. Demand must have been fairly good because the folks at Motor Trend saw fit to commit to a special issue this summer – one that is currently on the stands and online too. Which means this may be a new business model for them. Time will tell.
Second….The current issue has been released online while the print issue is still available. So if you like what you see in the online version gang, head down to the book/magazine store and buy yourself a copy. In the meantime, let’s see what they have in this issue that will captivate your imagination.
Glass Act: The 1952 Woodill Wildfire Roadster
This is a ten page article on the history of Woodill Wildfire with great focus on the development of the car and Woody’s drive to put forth the first production fiberglass sports car in America. This is authored by veteran writer, historian, and great friend of fiberglass – Ken Gross – with contributions from Fred, Deanna, and Chris Roth and myself.
The Garaj Mahal: The Smithsonian’s Automotive Collection
This is a four-page article about the automobile collection at the Smithsonian Museum. While we knew about the Glasspar in their collection which had been acquired by the Smithsonian about 20 years ago, the article was a great surprise to me – and one that I welcomed.
They have included a nice write-up about their Glasspar G2 sports car. And to me, it speaks volumes that America’s Museum saw fit to acquire and hold this car for their collection. A great honor for Bill Tritt and Glasspar indeed
So Let’s Begin!
So….jump in with both hands on your keyboard and click on the link below with your mouse. The magazine will unfold in front of your eyes and you can welcome yourself to the digital age – one that embraces the story of fiberglass sports cars in every way.
Click Here To Begin Reviewing Motor Trend Classic On Your Computer
When the magazine appears on your desktop, click the arrows that appear at the center edges of each page to move forward and backward.
Let’s hope that the folks at Motor Trend find reason to continue their “Motor Trend Classic” magazine in the future. So to encourage this, go out and buy yourself hard copies of the magazine gang if you like what you read online. And…. if they move forward with another issue, we’ll be ready to help here at Forgotten Fiberglass.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
I used to buy MT classic on the newstand. Brilliant layout and graphics, awesome subjects. Welcome back!
~ Thanks, Geoff. An outstanding article among several other great stories, all in a superb presentation format. I am also hoping for the effort to be continued and encourage your readership to support this publication.