Motor Trend Magazine was so impressed by the success of fiberglass sports cars and the excitement over them that by late ’53 they featured a 6 page article featuring 7 different fiberglass cars you could purchase or build yourself. They opened the article with the following introduction:
“Fiberglass, until so few months ago big news merely because it existed at all, has now obviously made the grade. On these pages, Motor Trend brings you the latest designs in this versatile material.”
Today’s article is the first in a series that presented these cars to a ready, willing, and excited worldwide public.
Click here to review all articles in this series
Hi Gang…
Motor Trend dedicated a full page or more to each of the cars presented in this article. Today’s article is on the first one they presented – the Glasspar G2.
And away we go…
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International Success: Glasspar G2 Sports Car
Motor Trend, October 1953
From the Great Lakes to the Pacific to the North Sea, Fiberglass Has Become the Favorite of these Designers
Even if you didn’t know that Dr. Robert Swan had been a Jaguar owner, the Cadillac-powered Glasspar car of this Sacramento (California) dentist would give you a hint. This ice-green powerhouse, complete with Polaroid windshield, has one of the first Glasspar roofs. It’s removable in seven minutes with a screwdriver.
Some of you astute fiber-guys out there may have recognized this car from an earlier story here at Forgotten Fiberglass. And if this was the case – you were right! Click here to review the earlier story on the Glasspar G2 built by Dr. Robert Swan.
And…this car is still missing so go out there and find it gang! How fun would that be
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
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