Hi Gang…
This is another in an series of ongoing articles and designs from the talented hands of Keith Kaucher – fan of fiberglass and consummate sports and custom car designer.
For years Keith shared his designs with the audience of Kit Car Magazine and other well-known automotive publications showing how fiberglass bodied sports cars could be finished out as well as modified with exciting design changes. Keith’s work inspired his audience to tackle projects they may have not considered before, and to bring to life exciting and inspired designs.
It’s for these very reasons that I’m honored to share his thoughts and work with you, and welcome Keith as a contributor to the growing audience here at Forgotten Fiberglass.
Take it away Keith!
Kaucher’s Koncepts: The Maverick Sportster
When Geoff first approached me about the Maverick roadster I had never heard of the car. Geoff told me he had one, and that he’d like to do some things to enhance it and make it a nicer looking car. I soon received a set of pictures including references to the beautifully restored green Maverick Sportster – the one you often see as the best representation of a completed and restored Maverick to date.
The Maverick Sportster is no doubt an elegant looking car with baroque styling cues that harken back to the Thirties. The design of the car also integrates the soft slab sided styling so popular in the postwar era. The Maverick’s wheel arches are its real downfall – this design feature does not relate to any other styling cue on the body and stop the cars flow from below the beltline.
So…I borrowed the tear drop sweep of the fenders and cut new long swept fender arches front and rear. The next thing I did was to add a Buick style bright stainless trim as a natural break for an accent color to help break up the broad sides of the car.
I also thought that the cockpit was too far forward so I opened it up to the rear of the car and added another piece a bright trim work to get the proportions better aligned. Then, at Geoff’s request I designed a removable canvas top.
Now I think the car has a much better flow and looks like a high end luxury sport roadster from the late thirties – one that Clark Gable would’ve been proud to be driving to a movie premiere.
Great job Keith! I love the lines and need to push that Gougeon Streamliner out of the way and make way for the Maverick Restoration. Anyone want to come to Florida for the Winter to help? Free room and board here in Tampa may await you with such an opportunity and…you can help spend time in the warmth and work on a cool vintage fiberglass car too!
Oh well….I can try… *wink*
Keith used Adobe Photoshop to create the realistic designs he shared with us in the story today, and he uses it as well in producing custom work for his clients. Keith also does full hand or computer renderings of car designs for his customers. He’s one versatile guy!
To see more of his design work, please visit: www.kaucherkustoms.com
Thanks again to Keith for sharing his vision for making this car a reality. Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
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I like it better without the white panel on the side…a carson type padded top….and maybe even a duvall windshield would have looked smashing though
~ after barrett-jackson i’ll have a few days. find me a corner where i can rest at the end of the day. do you serve chicken noodle soup & grilled cheese? peanut butter crackers would be fine, too. see you there, thomas.
Free room and board……………………in Florida………………………….for the winter………………………..from Ohio………………………….what’s that address again?
Yes, Keith has done an outstanding job.
The owner of the restored Maverick is now running out to the garage to find out if this really happened to his car, or should happen.