Hi Gang…
Tom Cotter sure gets around the country in his ultra cool Woody Wagon and uncovers the most amazing finds. As an author, Tom has continued to pen books on his travels and we’ve been honored to be in several of these over the years (thanks Tom). And as we shared last year with you, Tom has partnered with Hagerty and has nearly 100 YouTube episodes that you can view on his travels and “finds” throughout the country. Go get ’em Tom
Click Here to Learn More About Tom Cotter and View Videos, Books and More
Tom’s most recent travels took him west and he didn’t know it then but he was about to meet one of our friends and one of the cars we study – the Allied Swallow. We talked about this car many years ago on our site and one of its drivers/builders – Kay Kimes. The car has quite a history and you can learn more about this and watch a vintage Bonneville video on the car too by clicking on the link below.
Click Here To Learn More About the Gene Hersom / Kay Kimes Allied Swallow Special
Tom Cotter and his Hagerty Barn Find crew filmed a 10 minute episode on the car and its history. And guess who enjoyed the video too? Kay Kimes who is 91 years old and doing very well. I called Kay and asked him if he were ready to take a trip with it to Bonneville again and it sounds like he’s good to go. So what do you say Rick Cannon and Dave Seely (owners of the Allied). Room for one more on your next Bonneville trip?
The restoration looks like it’s going well all of you can check out Tom Cotter’s Barn Find Hunter video on this Allied Swallow by clicking the link below. Want to learn a bit more about this car and its history? Click on the video below and learn more on Tom Cotter’s “Barn Find Hunter.”
Great to see another one of the Undiscovered Classic cars in the media and it couldn’t have been shared by a better person and organization – Tom Cotter and the Hagerty team. The restoration of the Kay Kimes Allied has started and you can learn more of the specifics from the video above. And the good news is that we should have a nicely restored sports car back on the road in the next year or so. Go get ’em guys!
As for those of you wanting to learn more about Allied Sports cars and/or Tom Cotter and his work with Undiscovered Classics, you can explore additional information by clicking on each of the links below.
Click Here To view all stories on the history of the Allied Sports Car Company
Click Here to view all stories on Tom Cotter with Undiscovered Classics
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
still following along Geoff! Thanks.
Jack Molleur
Well Done!!