The Cannara I – as Rendered by Dan Palatnik
Hi Gang…
Back on August 8th, 2016, we invited Ray and Esther Cannara to the home of Undiscovered Classics to see Ray’s car – the Cannara I. The last time he had seen it was in 1979 and he had feared that it was lost. But all of you know we do best here at Undiscovered Classics. We find lost cars – cars that most folks have written off as gone or missing with no hope of retrieval. Those of you interested can check out the story below for more information on how we find lost cars:
Click Here To Review A Story on Our Finding Lost Cars Written By Harold Pace
Rick D’Louhy and I had just come back the previous month from bringing the Cannara and another car back from Michigan. While we were up in Michigan, we penned a story about the car we had just found asking for help from Hemmings readership. I had some clues, but as with most research we do, we opened it up to the public to let them have fun and see who might identify it too. And a few people did just that. You can check out the Hemmings story on the mystery car – which turned out to be the Cannara I – in the link below:
Found In Detroit: The Earliest Wedge Car Design?
Hemmings Motor News: July 25, 2016
So we had barely “landed” back in Tampa, Florida when we found and then invited Ray and Esther Cannara to see Ray’s car for the first time in nearly 40 years. The video is 18 minutes long but if you view it you’ll see Ray’s memory of how he designed and built the car is spot on. The interview we did with him then helped us lay the groundwork for the restoration that we are now making great progress on today.
So for those of you who are into vintage history being “found” and interviews with the very folks who created this “history,” this video and story is for you. Have fun, scroll down and begin the video
Click on the triangle in the center of the screen to view the video above
Renderings By Dan Palatnik Guide Our Restorations
We’ve done this with our 1962 Shark, our 1950 Leo Lyons, the Voodoo Gardner Special and more. Our “artist in residence”, Dan Palatnik is part of our “working team” here at Undiscovered Classics and he is instrumental in setting the standard for how each car will be finished – the Cannara is no different. Check out the renderings below for the “look and feel” of how we will be finishing this sports car.
There’s still much to do in the restoration of the Cannara I, but we’ll be tracking the progress and sharing it with you here at Undiscovered Classics. For those of you interested, click on the link below to review all stories related to the Cannara I sports car on Undiscovered Classics:
Click Here To View All Stories on the Cannara I Sports Car
And if you would like to learn more about how we use renderings to guide our restorations, click on the link below:
3D Renderings Guide Our Restorations at Undiscovered Classics
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
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