Hi Gang…
Another press release photo uncovered most likely circa 1965 – we’ll let Nick Whitlow, our resident CRV historian and expert, chip in and share his thoughts on the date in the comments area below.
Based on the wording of the release, it may have been prepared for the UK/European market. Let’s see what it had to say.
Super Plastic Sports Car Unveiled
Press Release Photo: Undated
A dynamic new sports car has made its debut in the U.S. Apart from its unconventional design, the vehicle’s major feature is that, with the exception of the motor, wheels and steering column, it is made entirely of plastic.
Built by the Marbon Chemical Company’s Centaur Engineering department in Detroit, Michigan, the car – called the CRV-4 – has a detachable roof and a 140 horsepower Corvair engine. The vehicle made as an experimental model is to appear at auto exhibitions around the world.
This is the first time I’ve seen reference to the CRV-4 – and a Corvair engine. I’ll have to checkout the full story on Nick Whitlow’s website on the CRV
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
This was originally built by Gene Winfield and ended up being the Man from Uncle Spy car.
According to the late Russ Shreve, who designed the running gear and suspension for the CRV, this vehicle is actually the CRV-V based on the rectangular shaped mirrors mounted on the doors. The CRV-IV, which was completed in February 1966 and featured bullet shaped mirrors on the front fenders, was immediately sent to Japan and Asia for promotional reasons. CRV-V was completed a short time later and was then sent to Europe where it was driven to many of the great coachbuilders to promote Cycolac. It was in Italy where the car was wrecked by an OSI employee. The car was not drivable and was returned to the US for evaluation and repair. The car still exists today in Michigan partially restored.
that brochure i had once, specifically mentioned the corvair engine