Hi Gang…
Last Fall, Rik Hoving, Bob Cunningham, & David Greenles all sent in a link via e-mail to a small photo on ebay that looked like a plastic sports car from the 50s.
“One more fibercar from the 50s to research….I’ll throw it on the stack and see what we got,” I thought to myself. After thanking each for their sending in the item from eBay, I bid on the auction and won. And then I sat on the photo having been busy last Fall and this Spring with other work, life, events, etc. And my desk was piled with fiber-stuff too.
So last night was the first time I looked at the photo – closely. Actually, I uncovered it during some “carcheology” on my own desk. Here’s the front and rear of the photo for your review:
And then it dawned on me. This is a match to the mystery car owned by Darren Swansen. How cool! Here’s a photo of Darren’s car for your review:
So it’s a match! And it looks to be a different car entirely from Darren’s – a finished car – so at least two or more were built. And it has a name….”The 1955 Cougar.” Now….two things. First, the name of the owner/builder is on the back of the photo and Darren is off and running trying to find the family from the 50s associated with this car.
But wait! There’s more
Second, since this was a press photo….it must have appeared in a 1955 newspaper. So Darren is starting to look through www.newspaperarchives.com (or we will for him) to see if he can find it. Darren…we wish you the best of luck, and please keep us posted on what you find. Inquiring fiber-minds want to know.
So I hope in the near future we will have struck down another mystery car and brought back the history of the families and individuals who built it. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted here at Forgotten Fiberglass.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Geoff and his minions have done it again! Congrats to all for great research!
I thought the very front of the car looked like the 1965 Mustang….
~ forgive me for seeing International Harvester on that front end – the long lost IH Avanti.