Hi Gang…
As promised earlier, I’ll show “more” and talk “less” about each of the cars that appeared at the Milwaukee Masterpiece Concours d’ Elegance on August 28th, 2011. Click here to read more about the success of vintage ‘glass at the Milwaukee Masterpiece.
Today’s story features Dick and Jeanette Foster’s “1954 Woodill Wildfire Roadster” – one of the two Woodill Wildfires still owned by its original builder. The other original builder/owner is Ted Griffin of Houston, Texas. The restoration and showing of this car at the Milwaukee Masterpiece represents the first time Dick’s Wildfire has been seen in the public for over 50 years. Dick restored the car to get it ready for its “new century” debut at the Milwaukee Masterpiece. Way to go Fosters!. Here’s what was shown in the program about their car:
And now…the pictures!
The Pictures:
Hope you enjoyed the pictures, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
I just love it.. When I see the Fuel Injection unit!!!!!!!!!!!!