Hi Gang…
Just got home from my Forgotten Fiberglass “jaunt” into the Northeast this holiday. Some of the highlights include:
- Ten days on the road behind the wheel of my Suburban with car trailer in tow
- Had two tires “explode”
- Visited lost junkyards across New England
- Got in a small accident (other car vs my car trailer – my car trailer won)
- Saved two vintage fiberglass cars: A McCormack and US Mark II
- Saw the last Kurtis Sports Car (KSC) ever built
- Checked out a possible daily driver – 1954 Kaiser Manhattan
- Visited New York City – Manhattan – just before Christmas and walked all around mid-town
- Stopped to see ice and snow
- Got a bad chest cold and lost my voice
- Celebrated Christmas with Bob Murray and family
- Visited multiple car collections including the Bulgari (watch) and Odell collections
- Visited America on Wheels Car Museum in Allentown Pennsylvania with good friend Paul Sable
- Checked out a lost Glasspar G2 which hadn’t seen the light of day for 30+ years
- Checked out Bob Murray’s cool car collection including a Victress C3
- Spent time with good friends Scott Odell, Marshall Foxworthy, and countless others
- Spent time with newly met friends and family
- Visited an alien spacecraft
- Drove over 3200 miles (about 300 miles per day – Rick D’Louhy would be proud of me….)
- Used just over 300 gallons of gas
- And much, much, more…
I hope the holiday was just as restful for each of you
In the spirit of the season, I thought you might enjoy a different way of conveying today’s message, so here it goes…
‘Twas the night after Christmas, and all through the car
Not a creature was stirring, all noise seemed afar…
When outside my window, there arose such a clatter,
I quickly looked backwards to see what was the matter.
To the side of the road, I turned like a flash,
Jumped out of the car and rearward I dashed
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But another blown tire – my third of the year!
With great speed and alacrity, so lively and quick,
I changed that tire and was off in a Nick.
So when I got home I was surprised to see
Another mystery car featured on “Bring a Trailer” for me
So it’s with this e-mail I send to you late this year…
Click on the link below, enjoy the comments and have good cheer:
And….here are some visual highlights of 2011’s Forgotten Fiberglass Fantastic Voyage:
I can hardly wait until next holiday season, 2012.
What other mystery ‘glass lurks out there across America that needs saving??? And who might participate on my next trip??? So many possibilities….and so many of you out there ready, willing, and able to join me
Hope you enjoyed the story and pictures, Happy Holidays from Forgotten Fiberglass and have a great New Year.
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
Awesome wrtiteup Geoff! It was fun hanging out with you on this trip – sorry to hear about the accident, bad chest cold and second blow-out, but it sounds like your trip was productive none the less! Maybe I’ll hook up with the Futuro disassembly team when they come out!
Ditto all the comments above! Didn’t know about the accident, or the second flat. Hope you’re recovering from your cold. What a great adventure—I’m sure Rick wishes he had been along. Anybody notice the humongeous fender flare over the rear wheel of the Victress C-3? Effective, but doesn’t do much for the lines. I do like the hinged front end, though. Maybe I’ll have to do that to mine.
That was one great adventure.What fun..And more cars WOW..I enjoyed the poem too..
Makes me wish I still had my Victress C-3..But I have a car I should be working on tho..
Dave….you should e-mail the guy in Tenn on Craigslist for more info
Geoff, I was asking about the lil’ C-4 in Tennessee ?
I’d love to have that coup to go with the drop top…
Nick / Paul….
More stories to come on other cars I found. Paul….send some pix to me on the other flying saucer. There are about 30 spread across the USA – one here in Tampa, Florida too – not far from my house:
It has a nefarious reputation, though…
Happy Holidays…
Just fiberglass saved on this trip – and left some metal on the car that hit my trailer
Jean – who said I left without it? Wait ’till you see the upcoming saucer story soon…
Happy Holidays
I know what you mean about the trailer. Two for two on these trips. I need “bumper guards” on the “bumper guards!”
More to come on the flying saucer….should be a fun story to share
Happy Holidays….
Geoff, Thanks for sharing the details of your trip. Looks like it was entertaining. I see the corner of a “new” (2002+) Avanti in the picture of the Tucker. Where is this, who owns it – can you reveal any details? The continuing legacy of one of America’s best known fiberglas cars!
Great photos and it sounds like an amazing trip.
I’m beginning to think that all the steel cars out on the road are conspiring to take out your trailer so that you can’t help get the awesome and incredible fiberglass cars to people who want and love them. Glad that you, the trailer, and the fiberglass all made it home safe. Oh, and I have to agree with Jean, we need a story about a spaceship following you home!
Geoff the cars are fantastic!!!! but how could you leave without the spaceship house?
Thats my kind of Holiday.. As my buddy sez.. the trip wouldn’t be memorable if it went smooth.. Great pieces to ad to the collection.. neighbors must love you… haHa
Did you bring that Vic home too ?….
Hi Geoff,
Sounds like a perfect holiday for a car guy. I know where there is another alien spacecraft just like the one pictured! Go figure!
Glad you are home in one piece! Sounds like a great adventure. Can’t wait for details on some of the other cars. Didn’t find any more CRV’s or Piranah’s out there?
ALL BEYOND cool… what a great adventure… I will be pouring over these pics for some hours…
Glad you made it home safe and sound… you might have a second career as a poet…
A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all… Off now to work on more fiberglass designs, really.