Editor’s Note:
So often in researching our favorite fabulous fiberglass cars, there exists such little information. Case in point. Besides magazine articles from back in the day, the seven pieces of paper shown in today’s article, from the Alden Jewell Collection and my own, are the only known pieces of paper – in existence – on this company.
And with so many of our fiberglass car companies of the day, this same fact is true. It’s taken the graciousness of Alden Jewell and many of you out there too, to allow us here at Forgotten Fiberglass to either scan originals that you have or receive scans of items from your collection.
You do not know how important your friendship, collaboration, and cooperation is to us here at Fiberglass Central. I want to thank each and every one of you that help support our research quest in every way
And now…. on with the article.
Hi gang…
You’re breathing rarified air if you get near anything related to U.S. Fiberglass – a Norwood, New Jersey company that built sports cars and sport car bodies in ’55 and ’56. Today we’ll review the only known artifacts that remain from this once proud New Jersey firm.
Let’s look at each of these, one at a time.
U.S. Fiberglass: Mark II Postcard
The postcard below is from the Alden Jewell collection and beautifully shows a finished Mark II sports car in all its regal splendor. Thanks for sharing the scans Alden!
As with all images here at Forgotten Fiberglass, remember you can use your mouse and click on the image to make it larger on your screen.
U.S. Fiberglass: Promotional Flyer
The promotional flyer below is 2 sided and from the Alden Jewell collection. Thanks Alden!
Here are some key sections of the flyer – retyped to make it easier for you to read.
- The thrill of sports car driving is now within reach of all. Construction is of the newest structural material – Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic – the same material that is used to make airplanes, guided missiles and sports cars like the Chevrolet Corvette.
- The Mark II Fiberglas Sports Car Body was developed by U.S. Fiber Glass primarily to fit the rugged and easily obtained Ford V-8s of the years 1949, ’50 and ’51. The basic dimensions, however, were planned so that any chassis with a wheelbase of 110 to 118 inches can be accommodated with little or no modification.
Four Step Mounting Procedure (Discussed/Shown Above)
As you were reading the promotional flyer above, did any of you notice the overview of the “build instructions?” How fun! Marshall should be relieved…. Here are the steps shown on the flyer above:
Just 4 basic steps as follows:
- The old body is removed from its chassis by following the diagrammed instructions supplied with your U.S.F. Mark II Fiber Glass Body Kit.
- Minor engine and chassis modifications are completed as detailed in the instructions.
- The Mark II Fiber Glass Sport Car Body is now placed on the chassis and bolted firmly in place with bolts and brackets supplied.
- Re-attach the wiring and your sports car is in running condition.
Note to Marshall Foxworthy, New Owner of U.S. Mark II Body:
Now Marshall….. the instructions look simple. So it should be a cinch for you to finish your newly acquired U.S. Mark II body. It’s in great shape so Scott Odell and I give you 30 days to finish it….ok…..60 days. That’s enough time – right Scott?
And Marshall….let me know what information is missing from the overview provided above. I think it may be a bit simplified
U.S. Fiberglass: Response Inquiry
The letter below is a standard response to an interested customer from U.S. Fiberglass.
Thanks again Alden, for sharing this from your collection
U.S. Fiberglass: Personal Correspondence
The letter below is a personal response from Howard E. Greene – President and owner of U.S. Fiberglass of Norwood, New Jersey.
This is from my personal collection.
Now that good friend Marshall Foxworthy has a U.S. Fiberglass Mark II body in his firm, fast grip….the research will continue at a furious pace. Already he has contacted and begun working with Pat Amendolia who bought the bodies after the company went out of business in / around ’57.
And Marshall didn’t stop there.
He’s on the path to finding one of the families that built two of these cars – the same family that originally owned the body now in his possession. And…he’s also working with the family of Howard Green whose father started, built, and ran U.S. Fiberglass in the mid fifties.
Marshall is a man with a plan. “Research Plan,” that it. Go get ‘em Marshall!!!
Wish Marshall luck on finding the engine and chassis modification instructions discussed in the promotional flyer above. I love reviewing this kind of detail from back in the day.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
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This is interesting because I have a similar post card in my collection with the same picture on the face, but the back has the name of the car and the company name on the upper left. It’s strange that they failed to identify what was on the front of the card on Alden’s PC. ‘Thanks for sharing’ goes out to Alden and Geoff.
Great story Geoff. All of the information is there in that 4 step plan. I am almost half way there. Oh, did I mention that I had a bridge in Brooklyn for sale to help fund this project. All inquires are welcome.