Hi Gang…
We’re going to have some exciting information to share about the Shamrock sports convertible. I’ve just located two owners of these cars, and the company – The Wilbur Curtis Company – is still with us and going strong. They are happy to help with sharing more information about the history of these cars, and I look forward to sharing this new information here at Forgotten Fiberglass.
Today’s story focuses on the brochure for the ’59 Shamrock, and is from the collection of Alden Jewell. It’s with great appreciation that I express my great thanks for Alden’s sharing of such a cool piece – and quite rare too. This is the first Shamrock brochure I’ve seen – and I’ve been looking into fiberglass artifacts and memorabilia for quite some time. Alden truly is the consummate collector.
Let’s examine the Shamrock brochure in detail. Click on any of the pictures below to make them larger so you can more easily review the detail.
The 1959 Shamrock Brochure
Thanks again to Alden Jewell for making this story possible. There’s more to come on this neat “Irish-American” car, and I hope I can make all of us “Shamrock Experts” by St. Patrick’s Day 2012.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and until next time…
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
Another one I have never heard of…Geoff how do you do it ?…I wonder if they actually ever made any ??…Too many fiberglas dreams straight to oblivion…