Hi Gang…
Thanks to Alan Emory who owns one of the neatest Victress S1A’s out there, we have found more video (color film) of vintage fiberglass cars racing at the dry lakes in the 1950’s. There are even a few drag races included too. You’ll see Glasspars, Victresses, an Allied, and others. It’s only about a minute long, but how often do we see vintage film out there for us to watch and drool? I think Dennis Gerdes’ Glasspar G2 might even be in the video (and a few others of your cars out there!!! So check it out.
Here’s the link – click and play:
[vsw id=”vH21jJbgIFA” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]Hope you enjoy and thanks again to Alan Emory for sending our way.
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