Hi Gang…
Are you getting bored with too many articles and stories about Grantham Stardusts, Victress S1As, Chicagoans, and Glasspars??? Seeing too many Byers, Woodill Wildfires, Venus Sports Cars, and Le Mans Coupes in museums and shows? Well good news gang! I have a new hobby for you….
Collecting 1950’s and 1960’s fiberglass boats!!!
I think I may have met my match – or at least counterpart in Kevin “Fin” Mueller. Kevin has some of the world’s rarest and most beautiful fiberglass boats you’ve ever seen. And some of them have the same names of our fiberglass cars like “Meteor”. Checkout this 2 minute video showing some of the fantastic designs. The end of the video says….”A portrait of a man, having way too much fin (correct spelling of “fin”). Here you go:
[vsw id=”6kZ8ly604Q0″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]How can you not love these boats? Here’s a 3 minute video showing, in pictures, the “before” and “after” shots of Kevin’s “Lonestar Meteor” boat (but couldn’t it be a long lost Dick Jones Meteor SR1 boat?)
[vsw id=”rPjw-QecAwY” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]In August of last year, Larry Edsall of the the New York Times wrote an excellent article on these kinds of boats called “A Style Both Wet and Wild”. Here’s a link to the article for your review:
There’s also an excellent book in the area by Peter Hunn called “Tail Fins and Two Tones – The Guide to America’s Classic Fiberglass and Aluminum Runabouts”. Here’s a link for those of you interested in purchasing the book:
And last, be sure to checkout Kevin “Fin” Mueller’s website – for more information, videos, pictures, and fun. Of course it’s called “”Boats in the Belfry”:
Click here to view this website
Hope you enjoy the pix gang, and let me know who’s the first to get a forgotten fiberglass boat to hook up to their forgotten fiberglass car.
Can anyone say “Glasspar G3 Boat”?
Glass on gang…
Click on the Images Below to View Larger Pictures
- Lonestar Meteor – Fantastic Fiberglass
- Interesting Similarity to Cars of the Era
- Glasspar G3 Boat
Recently bought an unidentified “Fin” Boat. It has huge taillight shaped pieces on rear. Looking for windshield source, name of boat, title recreation routes.
Mr. Scott,
I am aware that your looking for a windshield was in 2017, however today is my first visit to this site.
I have 9 NOS windshields of various sizes, and 3 very good used. If you haven’t found what you need I may have one.
I would like to e-mail you a picture from 1956, of our boat the “Kyra”, which was the pro-type for a fiber glass boat. I’m in the driver’s seat.
I recall an older couple, maybe in their 70’s living at the Lake Havasu City Trailer Park in the early 70’s that had a Lonestar Meteor next to the single wide in the roundabout area. This trailer park was about to enjoy the 70’s boom of camper/trailered boat family camping craze and was moving all of the permanent trailers out of the roundabout area making room for weekly campers. This old couple were the last ones in the area and I would place the year as 1971.
The Meteor was cream and gold, heavy metal flake was almost exposed by UV damage and the whole thing was oxidized heavily. Most of the interior was badly burned by the sun and the chrome was pitted. The poor thing was just another old boat to me, but dad said that he thought it was a very expensive boat when it was new.
Interesting article and time period.
Hello, my name is Griffin and I am looking for info on Trailorboats. I can’t find any info anywhere on this particular boat. I recently bought a (1960??) Trailorboat. It is fiberglass, 14’2″ft long with a 74″ beam and an outboard. It has either been modified or originally built as a race boat. It has a 1960 75hp super seahorse Johnson mounted on it. It has race numbers on the side. It has the stability fins on the bottom and a aluminium reinforced transom. It is a flatbottom boat with fixed trim tabs or extended aluminium plates mounted to the rear. I cannot for the life of me find much information on this boat at all. Looks as if it was built in San Rafael, CA from 1958-1965. The Colorado registration says it is a 1967, but the research I’ve done so far, shows Trailorboat Engineering Company sold the fiberglass division to Dorsett in the mid 60’s. Trailorboat is famous for the pull campers with the boats mounted on top, not fiberglass race boats. In 2010, the daughter of one of the owners of the company posted that Trailorboat Engineering made all kinds of boats, aluminium and fiberglass and race boats. I have tried to contact her with no luck. Can’t tell if the motor is original to the boat either. This boat has the look of the early 60’s Invader and Glastron race boats and has an incredible look. It is super low profile with no windshield, has 1 long bench seat and a Kainer steering wheel. This thing is killer! Can’t wait to get her completely restored. I would love to know how rare this boat is and how they looked original. Going to enter in some classic boat shows summer 2013.
Anyone ever heard of these or know anyone that has one?
Please help if you can! I have pics and would be happy to send them.