Hi Gang…
Paul Strassberger was quite a man. When he began building sports cars for an enthusiastic public in late 1952, he choose the Glasspar body and built not one but at least two Yankee Clipper sports cars.
Click Here To Review Stories on the Yankee Clipper (Glasspar G2 Based) Sports Car
We have photos in our archive of both cars from the Strassberger family, but thanks to the keen eyes of automotive historian Bob Cunningham, we now have another publicity photo showing the second car – in a different light.
The publicity photo in today’s story is actually for United Airlines showcasing a “drive up” or “drive in” ticket office for airline tickets. Sounds neat! Let’s have a look:
United Air Lines: Ticket Curb Service: Prospective air traveler Paul Strassberger pulls up at window of world’s first drive-in ticket office, just opened by United Air Lines at Redwood City, California. Pat Kirschbaum awaits to make sale.
Finding hi-resolution photos of vintage fiberglass cars like this is quite rare, and so great thanks goes to Bob Cunningham for bringing this to our attention. And now we have another classic photo on a very special car – a body designed by Bill Tritt and a car built by Paul Strassberger – two very important men that share a common bond in the history of fiberglass sports cars in America.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember gang…
The adventure continues here at Forgotten Fiberglass.
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