Restorations: Current

Undiscovered  Classics  Cars  In  Restoration

Here are some of our cars that are currently being restored

1968  SWM  Gordini  Sports/Race  Car

Learn  More  About  The  1968  SWM  Gordini  Below

Hidden  Treasures:  1968  SWM  Gordini
Vintage Racecar Journal: September, 2017

1982  Wellman  Special

Learn  More  About  The  1982  Wellman  Special  Below

It’s  A  Wellman!
Special  Interest  Autos  #189:  June,  2002

Lost and Found: Spectator Sport
Special Interest Autos #174: November/December, 1999

Click  Here  To  See  Our  “Partnerships”
Cars  We  Co-Own  And  Plan  The  Restoration  Together