Undiscovered Classics Vision Statement


Preserving the History and Integrity of the Handcrafted Automotive Marques of the 40’s, 50’s and Beyond

1948 Kurtis-Omohundro Comet – One of America’s 1st Postwar Sports Cars

The  History  of  Undiscovered  Classics  &  Forgotten  Fiberglass

The beginnings of Forgotten Fiberglass started on August 4th, 1980 when 18 year old Geoff Hacker (with his 9 year old younger brother Jon in tow) purchased a long lost fiberglass car called a “Shark.”  Rick D’Louhy recognized the history of the car for sale and unsolicited, asked the original owner if he could get in contact with the buyer and share with him the background of his newly purchased fiberglass car.

This selfless act of Rick’s began a 35+ year friendship between fiberglass fanatics Geoff Hacker and Rick D’Louhy, both of Florida.   In turn, this friendship has led to the humble beginnings of Undiscovered Classics / Forgotten Fiberglass in 2006 and the quest to document, save, share, and celebrate the history of fiberglass cars – and now handcrafted cars – across the world.

The theme of Undiscovered Classics / Forgotten Fiberglass, inspired by Rick’s sharing of the history of the “Shark” with Geoff back in 1980, continues to guide our research and actions in every way, and help car owners connect with the history of their vintage fiberglass cars.  And in the past few years, this has expanded to include the story of all handcrafted cars of the postwar era including those made from steel and aluminum.

Supporting  The  Undiscovered  Classics  Vision

A big part of what we do here at Undiscovered Classics is work toward completing a historical documentation of handcrafted cars.  We do this through research, discovery, and interviews with the founders of these companies (where possible), and the families, friends, and employees that were associated with these cars and companies from the 1950’s and beyond.

This interest was expanded to include a presence on the internet in 2008 with our Undiscovered Classics/Forgottten Fiberglass website, and a multi-year project which will result in a book titled “Forgotten Fiberglass.” 

Click Here To View Our Undiscovered Classics Portfolio:
This is a Chronicle of What We Do Best

The  Undiscovered  Classics  Contributors

The success of Undiscovered Classics is due to the involvement of people, and this list is expanding over time.  Many people have been key in providing on-going support and help with research, strategy, and historical documentation in every way.  

Click Here to Review our Undiscovered Classics Contributors


In addition to these activities, we at Undiscovered Classics have promoted the history of handcrafted car marques of the 1940’s, 1950’s and beyond in hopes of securing an accurate and complete history of their companies in the automotive record.  By doing so, we are working to ensure that these cars are remembered, as well as their designers, founders, and employees, by car enthusiasts across the world. 

It’s these same folks and their cars which had an impact not only on American car design, but also American Car Culture.   Through their dedication, vision, efforts, and success, these young American men and their magnificent fiberglass automobiles demonstrated that designing, building, driving, and experiencing a sports car of your own creation was possible.  Nothing stood in front of them achieving their dreams.

The Adventure Continues At….Undiscovered Classics

Geoffrey R. Hacker, Ph.D.