Newsletter 4: January 6th, 2004

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January 6, 2004                                                                                                             Newsletter No. 4

Dear Glasspar Owner/Enthusiast,

     Our Website, is going strong with about 1,500 hits on it since started. Please note the Site address is a little different from that in the last Newsletter and it doesn’t use the familiar www. Also, you can always get it by going to and looking up Glasspar in the car club section. It’s bringing in a lot of action from owners and those who want Glasspars.

     Our Club now has 43 on the mailing list with cars, as follows:
7 Grade 1 – Beautiful, show condition
10 Grade 2 – Good looking and running
12 Grade 3 – In restoration
4 Grade 4 – Unknown condition

     So, you see, we’re improving all around, especially in bringing the Glasspar into the world of Classic Cars, which it is.

     Few G2’s have the brass plate with the serial number affixed to the door frame, but Rodney Packwood reports a Glasspar with a number “172” stamped on the forward facing aluminum door frame, passenger side. I suggest that those owners that don’t have a serial number, look on the doorframes – let me know what you find!

     I have found another Nash-grilled Glasspar, along with John Knebel’s. It is a stunning car owned by Jan Baker of Groton, MA, and is in perfect condition. Look for her car on the “Members’ Showcase” link of our Website in the near future.

     Some thoughts on the selling price of a Glasspar: From what I have seen, Glasspars, like the seven Grade 1’s above, should go for no less than $20,000, more if you can get it. Of course the other Grades would get what the traffic would bear, remembering that restoring the car as a Classic ’50s car is the best thing to do. I have never shown my Glasspar as a “kit car”-always as an antique and classic. It sits among the ’50s cars and usually always has a group of people around it. All this goes to establishing our Glasspar as a classic and not a kit car, although it is true that Bill Tritt’s creation spawned the whole kit car business.

     The Crompton Corporation of Middlebury, Connecticut, is an outgrowth of the old Naugatuck Chemical Company that furnished Bill Tritt with Vibrin resin to build our Glasspars, and so much more. Bill Sigworth and John Gustavsen of Crompton have been searching for the Alembics (Glasspars) owned by Naugatuck. There were two, the one shown on our Website and another, which was a Second Series Wildfire. This Alembic II test car was driven across country by Naugatuck. Watch our Website for a Crompton Corporation article on Glasspar.

     I found a picture of a Glasspar on a European Website. This led to an e-mail exchange with a sports-car enthusiast in Budapest who claimed to have sat in a Glasspar, though he had no knowledge of any Glasspars around, now. There must be some cars over there, so let me know if you hear of one.

     Keep the correspondence and e-mails coming and send in some stories and doings on your Glasspar. It seems that more people are picking up the abandoned ones and will bring them back to life. No prettier roadster has ever been designed, so it is a most worthwhile project.

With best regards,

Bill Hoover, Registrar

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