Hi Gang…
Our Undiscovered Classics website is a work in progress. As we learn more information – it expands. As we find more cars and see more finished restorations – it expands. And as we more closely understand how to present this information to you for your reading enjoyment and education – our website changes too. The latest changes have to do with the size and scope of our website.
Undiscovered Classics now has more than 1000 stories and pages about vintage handcrafted cars from the postwar era. And while that’s great news about the depth and information available to all of you, it’s incumbent on us to give you easy access to reaching the breadth and width of these stories. To this end, we’ve recently made additions that we believe will make your experience on our website more enjoyable and more interesting. These changes will:
- allow more in-depth access to topics of your interest
- facilitate faster access to key research information
- increase your knowledge and appreciation for these cars
Today we’re going to discuss these new features and let’s start on where to find them first. And away we go…
Menu Bar: New Search Tools – Appears On All Pages
The Menu Bar below appears at the top of every page in our website. You can now search for any word or phrase by typing your “search terms” in the box at the right of the menu bar. You also have expanded tools now available within a page on our website called “Search Tools.” You can click on “Search Tools” on any page and you can use the tools available to find what you are looking for. Don’t click on the menu below to test this feature – it’s just an image. The real “Menu Bar” is at the top of our website – just scroll or look “up”
Home Page: Updated Sidebar – Appears Only On Our Home Page
Our home page for Undiscovered Classics is the only place you will see our “Sidebar“. This appears on the right side of the page and contains many features which allow you to explore out website. The top of the sidebar has been updated. It now contains a short version of our new “Search Tools.” The updated sidebar is shown below.
The sidebar has the following features which you can use to search our website:
- Enter Search Terms: This is an area where you can type in the information you are looking for. After you type in the search term you are looking for, be sure to click on the “Go” button
- Click Here For Drop Down List of Categories: Which you click in this area, a list of 300 search categories appears for you to select the topic you are interested in. Be sure to scroll up and down to reveal all categories that are available. Only a few will appear on your screen at a time.
- Learn How To Best Use Our Site: This is the “Best Practices” story on how to use all the new search features you are reading now. The link in the sidebar will quickly return you to this story if you need a quick review on our new “Search Tools.”
- Use Our Story Archive: This gives you access to all 1000+ stories we’ve written on one page. That is, one long….page. If you are one of those people who like looking thru all the titles than this page is for you. Just click on a title and off you go to the story you clicked on.
- Use Our Category List: Our new “Category List” gives you access to all stories that are placed in a category such as “Glasspar”, “Victress”, “Vintage Accessories” or other 300+ categories that are now in place on our website.
- Search Our Archives: Building our Modern and Historical Archives has been a monumental effort. When you click on this link you’ll get a chance to review information available and I assure you discover new treasures of lost automotive lore.
- Search Fiberglass Cars: Coming Soon…this will give you quick access to fiberglass car marques from the postwar years
- Search Sport Custom Cars: Coming Soon…this will give you quick access to our one-off Sport Custom Car Archive
- Search Teardrop Cars: Coming Soon….this will give you quick access to our Teardrop and Streamlined Car Archive
Click Here To View Our Home Page And Check Out The Updated Sidebar
The “Search Tools” Link in the Menu Bar:
As explained at the beginning of this story, the Menu Bar now has a new feature added to it called “Search Tools.” This is seen below:
The new “Search Tools” page has exactly the same tools on it as described in Sidebar discussion above. These tools appear in larger typeface which makes it even easier to read than the sidebar – so some of you may want to use this feature because it stresses the eyes a bit less.
Accessing “Search Tools” as Part of Every Undiscovered Classics Story
We’ve added additional access to the “Search Tools” feature too. At the end of every story is a statement that says:
Click On The Links Below To Learn More
Here’s what this area at the end of each story looks like:
These links give you much more power than you may have realized. Currently there are five lines of information as follows:
- Current Story Categories: These are the categories we’ve placed this story in. If you click any of these links on this line, it will display all stories for this category for you to review and read.
- For Sale: Click on this link to view items for sale via Undiscovered Classics
- Services: Click on this link to learn more about the services we offer
- Buyer’s Guide: Click on this link to learn more on the important factors concerning buying, investing and restoring an American Special
- Search Tools: Click here to go to the “Search Tools” page to more expertly explore the specific information you are looking for
Do not click on the links shown above – this is just an “image.” To test these new links you can scroll down to the bottom of this story and see how these links look. These links will be the same at the bottom of each story.
Comment “Likes” and “Dislikes”
This is a feature you see on many websites which allow commenting. Sometimes you like what someone has to say and and want to let them know your reading the story and their comments so you “like” or “dislike” the comment by clicking the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon. This shows you’re paying attention and appreciate – or not – what someone is saying.
This feature has now been added to all stories on our website and you can simply click on the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon as shown below on any comment to make your presence known. Have fun and engage
Scroll Up Fast – Saves Time
This new feature has been added to every page of our Undiscovered Classics website. As you scroll down on any page or story, you’ll see the following “arrow” appear at the bottom right of your computer, tablet or phone screen:
You can click this button at any time and it will immediately and quickly return you to the top of the screen. It’s saved me quite a bit of time already.
So we are growing, expanding, changing and evolving and we want you to do so with us. We hope that the tools provided above allow you to enjoy and learn more about these handcrafted cars we appreciate so much as well as celebrate the achievement of each designer, creator, builder and driver. Have fun gang and may you get lost in the new depths you explore in our website on categories, stories, pages and more.
Hope you enjoyed the story, and remember…
The adventure continues here at Undiscovered Classics.
What a fantastic site. I have always wondered what happened to all the early fiberglass sports cars. They were beautiful. Thanks for all your hard work.
I’ve been following the Web site, e-mails and YouTube videos for some years and I’ve always been more than impressed. The new additions to the site are welcome and will surely be used by me. There haven’t been many additions to the YouTube channel of late and I really miss the regular updates. This is one of my favorite spots on the Web.
@Sheldon – thanks for the kind words. Youtube is a bit of a challenge. We have cars being restored and I’ll show more soon. I have plan for videos but they need to change and tell a story. Still thinking about how this might look. Time will tell and thanks for checking in Sheldon. Geoff
I have been following you through emails I have received. Nice to see a website take shape devoted to this fascinating bit of automotive history. Will be checking in.
@Tony – thanks for your comment and hope to see you thoughts here more too. Great to have you with us. Geoff
Nice updates and I’m happy to see this site grow.
Excellent additions
What a great way to research specific items!
This search feature will assist the beginner as well as the expert.