Showcase: 1957 Halliday Renault Special / Dr. Paul Winters

1957  Halliday  Renault  Special (raced 1957-1958)
Body  Design /Build:  Dale  Halliday / Driver:  Dr.  Paul  Winters
Commissioned  By:  Dr.  Paul  Winters

Owners:  Undiscovered  Classics  –  Geoff  Hacker  and  Marvin  McFalls

Research  Team

Geoff Hacker, Marvin McFalls, Joel Driskill, Jonathan Burnette, Gary Horstkorta and Allen Kuhn

—   First Postwar Purpose Built Renault Race Car in USA (still need to confirm) —

Raced as #45 in Santa Barbara, 1957
Image From Film In The Driskill Archives – Courtesy of Joel Driskill

Click Here To View the 9 Minute Video
The Car appears near the end at 8:27, 8:28 and 8:29

History  of  This  Car

Notes: Create an overview section here like the showcase on the Salvatore Salerno Devin.  Discuss Dale Halliday and Dr. Paul Winters work separately and as a collaboration – need to research this in magazines we have.

This section is “in process”

Historic  Points  of  Interest

This section is “in process”

Purpose built Renault race car – one of the first in postwar?

Transverse mounted engine/transmission/transaxle – when did race cars start to have transverse mounted drivetrains?

Use of belly pan?

Body combination of aluminum and fiberglass?  Who did fiberglass work?  Who did aluminum work?

Space frame – our car is from 1956/1957.  When did space frames start?

Body was designed and built in the style of car 1 (195x), car 2 (195x), car 3 (195x)

Halliday was a alumnus of Clay Smith of racing fame – what does this mean?

Bill Stroppe tuned the car for Jack Gesler and made changes – check with Wille Stroppe to see if there is info on this

This car was part of the 7 person Renault race team – but not sure how long race team lasted or if they were successful

Renault Factory gave Halliday approval to build races cars and the first one Halliday built/finished was the Red Special #2

Does Renault factory today have history on Halliday and Winters when they visited in 1956?

Click  On  The  Links  Below  To  Learn  More

Modern  Articles

Modern  Videos

Vintage  Articles

Vintage  Race  Results (car, driver, builder, races)

Vintage  Photos  of  Both  Halliday  Renault  Race  Cars

Body  Design  Influences

Suspension  Design

Read  More  About  Dale  Halliday – Vintage  Articles  Included

Read  More  About  Dr.  Paul  Winters – Vintage  Articles  Included

History  of  Car  During  John  Horton  and  Jack  Gesler’s  Ownership

Read  Story  About  How  Car  Was  Found  and
View  Photos  in  “As  Found”  Condition  From  2012

View  Current  Photos

Read  History  of  Postwar  Renault – Emphasis  on  USA

Technical  Specifications

This section is “in process”

Use of belly pan in 1955?

Left shifter?

Transverse mounted rear mid-engine race car (early for postwar?)

Space frame (correct language?  Early postwar usage?

Renault engine – unique?


Body and Chassis:


  • how does body panels lock down?

Access to Engine and Spare:


Additional Features: