SHOWCASE: Ralph Bush And His Singer Race Car

Ralph  Bush  And  His  Singer  Race  Car

Ralph Bush Racing His Singer #105 at Pomona, California – 1960.  Ralph’s Racing Number #105 Was Assigned by the SCCA.

Ralph Still Has Dash Plaque For His Race in Singer at Pomona in 1960. Way to go Ralph!

Ad Placed By Ralph Bush in Motor World Magazine: December, 1953. This ad led to finding his Singer that would ultimately become his race car.

Background  –  In  His  Own  Words

Click  Here  To  Learn  The  History  of  This  Car  From  The  Man
Who  Built  It  And  Raced  It: 
Ralph  Bush


Explore  The  Links  Below

Articles  About  Ralph  Bush
Click  Here  To  Learn  More

Ralph  Bush – Racing  In  His  80s

Vintage  Singer  Owner’s  Club  Letters

Found!  Ralph  Bush’s  Singer  Race Car
Tam’s  Old  Car  Race  Site:  December  1st,  2007

Audio  Interview  Recordings  With  Ralph  Bush

23  Minute  Interview:  April  25,  2011



Explore  The  Links  Below

Ralph  Bush  Vintage  Photos

Ralph’s  Vintage  Racing  Plaques

Photos  of  Race  Car  As  Found

Picking  Up  Ralph’s  Race  Car
June  29,  2013

Visit  in  Altadena,  California  With  Ralph  Bush  and  His  Race  Car
June  30,  2013

Transport  From  California  to  Florida


Ralph  Bush  Interview  Part  1
June  30,  2013

Ralph  Bush  Interview  Part  2
June  30,  2013

The  Last  Singer  Race  Car
Ralph  Bush’s  4AD  Racer
Click  The  Link  Above  To  Learn  More  About  This  Race  Car